StreemShot® photos allow you to see what your customer sees, providing important visual context to your project details.
Whether capturing serial numbers of an item or recording damage to a product, StreemShot photos help you share your project in a way that everyone can understand. Notes to accompany those photos display the full scope of a project and important details that make a better, more efficient experience for you and your customer.
Two ways to add notes to your StreemShot photos.
You can add notes to your photos during the call, in a side-bar or after the call on the details page.
1. Add StreemShot notes during the video call
This is a great opportunity to speak with your customer and get any information that may be important to understanding and completing the job.
2. Add StreemShot notes after the Streem call
This is a great opportunity to add any project details you may have forgotten or provide added context to understand the job when you or a colleague revisit the call details later.
When you’ve finished the call, go through each of the important images and add clarifying notes or details about what should happen next.
How to add notes to StreemShot photos
Learn even more about all the tools and features available for no-download StreemCore™ video in our resource library.